I shot a little film recently with a team from Sustainable Somerset, exploring the content of The Book of Rubbish Ideas and I thought you might like a sniff around my kitchen…
Please feel free to pinch, publish and pass on!
Rubbishly yours,
I shot a little film recently with a team from Sustainable Somerset, exploring the content of The Book of Rubbish Ideas and I thought you might like a sniff around my kitchen…
Please feel free to pinch, publish and pass on!
Rubbishly yours,
Posted in General rubbish, Rubbish Interviews, Rubbish Media, Rubbish how-to's, Rubbish ideas, Rubbish movies | Tagged Sustainable Somerset, The Book of Rubbish Ideas, Tracey Smith film | 4 Comments »
I recently met an amazing lady, Louise Burfitt-Dons, head of the Hot Women International Campaign for the Global Alliance…sounds like a bit of a mouthful, but it has a fitting and very worthy title and an enormous task in hand.
She officially welcomed me as a Hot Woman, which I’m absolutely delighted about and I thought I’d tell you more about the organisation, it’s aspirations and achievable aims; over to Louise!
Posted in Rubbish Interviews, Rubbish ideas | Tagged Anna Burns, Claire Hurren, Ella Dickenson, Gemma Rogers, Hot Women International Campaign for the Global Warming Alliance, Louise Burfitt-Dons, Lucy Egwuonwu, Lucy Moorhouse, The Book of Rubbish Ideas, Tracey Smith | Leave a Comment »
I might well have been, had I lived closer to the centre of the universe (London that is).
Late this afternoon, I received an invitation to appear on tonight’s Newsnight on the BBC; it seems they’re going to be talking a load of old rubbish…
Posted in General rubbish, Rubbish Media, Rubbish news, The Book of Rubbish Ideas info | Tagged BBC, Bill Bryson, Jeremy Paxman, Newsnight, Robert Bradford, Rubbish, The Book of Rubbish Ideas, Tracey Smith | Leave a Comment »
What better way to spend Easter than on a family-friendly egg hunt on an organic farm?
Choco experts Green & Blacks are giving away 5,000 dark and milk chocolate eggs to smooth the way for the Soil Association-organised events, most of which are completely free – that’s my kinda afternoon out….
Posted in Rubbish news | Tagged chocolate, easter, easter eggs, Green and Blacks, organic farm, Rubbish, Soil Association | Leave a Comment »
Don’t panic, it’s all for charity!
You know, a good downshifter loves to practice their ‘blagging skills’…
To that end, I thought you might like to hear about Jail Break 2010 from my good friend, Olly Joseph.
What does £10 buy? A cinema ticket, a CD, a couple gallons of fuel maybe? Or on 27 & 28th February 2010 your £10 (entry fee) could take you all over the world!
We’re looking for people/teams to compete in our charity Jail Break. It’s fresh, it’s new and it is guaranteed to be the highlight of your new year.
Posted in Rubbish news | Tagged blagging, Charity Fundraiser, Jail Break 2010, Olly Joseph, Weston Hospice Care | Leave a Comment »
Golf club-shaped urinal, anyone? Motorised ice-cream cone holder?
In the depths of the global crunch, why would anyone want to waste precious money on pointless junk that ends up in the trashcan after a couple of uses?
But sales of consumer nonsense are still rocketing – stuff such as wand-shaped TV remote controls, desk-top hoovers, and electric toothbrushes costing hundreds of pounds. Even a hollow plastic golf-club you can wee into while playing a round (don’t show it to Tiger Woods, please). We’re still madly addicted to consumption.
Posted in General rubbish, Rubbish activism, Rubbish events, Rubbish news | Tagged Anna Shepherd, Ben Davis, Buy Less Crap, Carl Honoré, Enough: Breaking Free From the World of More, How Green Are My Wellies, In Praise of Slow, John Naish, The Landfill Prize | 2 Comments »
Not the most fetching of outfits I know, but here’s me in my neoprene wetsuit, getting ready to depart for Lake Windermere to take part in the second Great North Swim.
It was the inaugural GNS at Windermere that took place last September that first hooked me in.
In 2008, around 2,000 competitors swam a mile around the edge of the stunning lake, many raising money for charity and others simply doing it for personal achievement.
Posted in NACOA, Rubbish celebrities, Rubbish news | Tagged British Gas, NACOA, The Great North Swim, Tracey Smith | Leave a Comment »
And only one lifetime to do it – eek!
Hi all – delighted to be back blogging again on The Book of Rubbish Ideas.
After a rock and roll of a summer (well, as much as being an author can ‘be’ rock and roll of course) doing literary festivals around the country, evaluating and playing with new eco-goodies about to hit the market and penning planning notes for my next book, I decided I needed a bit of well earned time out…so I took it…by the horns in fact, hence last entry August…ehem…
I thought I’d pen a quick series of catch up blog posts so you can see what’s been going on and so that you don’t feel left out – I’d hate you to feel left out…particularly as it’s all been so exciting.
Rubbishly yours,
TS x
Posted in General rubbish, Rubbish news | Tagged The Book of Rubbish Ideas, Tracey Smith | 1 Comment »
Building with the earth very much in mind
I love hearing from people who are doing amazing things to protect and care for our present and future environments for the generations yet to come.
I genuinely feel very excited to be one of many optimistic green activists, at a pivotal point in earth’s history; we are the generation that will make incredible positive changes.
Gillian Trott dropped me a line recently with information on her Earthships; do read on, I think you’ll find they could be right up your street… Continue Reading »
Posted in General rubbish, Rubbish Interviews, Rubbish activism, Rubbish how-to's, Rubbish ideas, Rubbish news, Rubbish products | Tagged earthships, Gillian Trott, Kevan Trott, Mike Reynolds, sustainable construction | 1 Comment »
Would You Like To Sponsor My Wetsuit? (that'll be an attractive little number...)
Morning all!
Just a shortie to bring you a pressing news item from my local paper.
Please find the following article by Joanna Davis printed in today’s Dorset Echo.
A DAUGHTER of an alcoholic will be taking the plunge into Lake Windermere to help the children of addicts.
Busy mum-of-three, author and broadcaster Tracey Smith will swim a mile at the beauty spot on September 12 as part of the Great North Swim.
She plans to raise £18,000 for the National Association for Children of Alcoholics (NACOA) to mark the charity’s 18,000 phone calls it has fielded from troubled children of alcoholics.
Thorncombe resident Tracey, 43, wishes the charity was around while she was growing up.
Tracey said she has only felt ready to talk about her mum’s alcoholism since she died three and a half years ago.
She said: “People seem to hide it under the carpet and don’t talk about it.
“I wish I had NACOA when I was a young thing.
“I couldn’t see an end to my darkness and I took an overdose at the age of 11.
“I remember waking up the morning after in a white bed in a white walled hospital room feeling so relieved and thinking I was in heaven.
Posted in NACOA, Rubbish Interviews | Tagged Children of Alcoholics, Great North Swim, NACOA, Tracey Smith | 8 Comments »