The title says it all really! It’s a video of me reading from the ‘What a pile of rubbish’ section in The Book of Rubbish Ideas:
Rubbishly yours,
27 November 2008 by Tracey Smith
The title says it all really! It’s a video of me reading from the ‘What a pile of rubbish’ section in The Book of Rubbish Ideas:
Rubbishly yours,
LOL - oh my word, you become more beautiful by the day. Just shown my kids. They think you’re great
Morning AMA,
Glad it hit all of your ‘tickle’ spots - that was my cunning plan you see…get the children involved too….get them doing the green thing…..ohh, it’s all coming together.
Today - YouTube
Tomorrow - London, Milan and Peckham
The Weekend - The WORLD….
….uuh uuh uuh uuh (evil laugh…).
TS x
LOL - loved it so much I’ve come back for a fifth viewing…I know I should be writing the book…but this is too funny
LOL…you can get pills for it missus…
TS x
How did you do your hair LOL? you make me laugh you cheeky girl!
Keep up the great work and keep these films coming!
Love deb x
Morning Debbie!
It was all quite surreal to be honest. The hair was the easy bit. It was on a Halloween hat and wig and I had to sit with it held in place around my chin….lolol…when I did the second part, the darn thing had shifted a bit, but I kept that in because I think it adds to the madness of the film…..lolol…
Glad you like it!
My kids and I have been laughing so hard, that tears were rolling! thank you so much for this wonderful moment!
It was made with inspiration from my own children who’d done it earlier in the day…..I couldn’t stop laughing either and thought it might just work well as a tool to help get the message out there.
Thanks for your kind words on it - I have now been inspired to do ‘Chinterviews’….more soon.
TS x
Gorgeous! You look fabulous - I think it’s your eye make up that gives you the edge.
Very entertaining and I’ll certainly be remembering it LOL!
Thank you chum - you should give it a go with LMG - she’ll love it!
Chinterviews are the way to go.