More precious than oil and beer (just).
Hi everybody. Thomas here is say that, well, this is the last time I’ll be here. For those of you who don’t know me (I have tried to keep a low profile), I’m the guy who originally put this blog together for Tracey on behalf of Sawday’s and have since been the behind the scenes person who does all the administration and moderation that comes with a popular blog such as this one.
Tracey once described herself as the spontaneous/creative one, while I was the borderline obsessive compulsive/creative one. That pretty much sums us up rather nicely since Tracey comes up with the brilliant ideas and daily posts, and I’m the one who fiddles and tweaks with everything to get it all as functional and consistent as possible.
However, today is my last day with Sawday’s so that means today is my last day working on this rather wonderful blog. The good news is that I’m probably no longer needed around here anyway as Tracey has certainly done a marvellous job with developing this blog beyond what I ever envisioned it to be so I am more than happy handing it completely over to her.
Anyway, while I was hoping to sneak out the backdoor and leave on a whimper rather than a bang, Tracey asked me to do this final post so I thought I might take the opportunity to briefly talk a bit about water conservation.
You see, I’m an Australia and water shortages are a serious concern at the moment in Australia. I can’t remember if in the UK you get charged for your water usage of not, but you certainly do Down Under so these tips have economical benefits as well as environmental ones:
- Put a timer in the shower with you and time your showers. The recommendation in Australia is that you really should be keeping your showers to under 4 minutes. I must admit that I am personally still finding this a challenge!
- Only water the garden at night as this lessens the degree in which your water will evaporate before it gets absorbed by the plants.
- Don’t leave the tap running while shaving, brushing your teeth… Actually, just don’t leave the tap running!
- If you are using a dishwasher, don’t rinse the dishes before you put them in as this is a completely unnecessary doubling up of water usage. If your dishwasher can’t properly wash dishes unless they are rinsed first then you’ve got a dud dishwasher and you should go back to doing it by hand.
- Whenever you run a tap (to wash veggies, to wait for the water to heat up etc) put a bucket underneath to collect the water. You can then use that water on plants.
- Put a bucket in the shower with you and capture some of the water that would otherwise go down the drain. Throw that bucket down the toilet to flush it.
- Don’t wash your car. Seriously - it’s just a car. It simply functions as a device to take you from A to B. Nobody worth knowing cares what it looks like.
For those of you who can invest a bit more time, effort and money:
- Install a water tank to capture rainwater and use that water on your garden, clothes and if possible, sewage.
- Recycle your grey water. Grey water is the domestic waste water that is produced as a result of dish washing, laundry and bathing, and is different to the waste water from toilets (known as black water). Although you should proceed with caution, if you can collect your grey water separately from your black water then it can be used on the garden, rather than using drinking water. The Australian government and the Better Health Channel have put together some really useful info on recycling grey water.
Well, that’s me done! I’ll be now cycling off into the sunset and retiring this account. However, I will be floating around in another guise as I’m launching a blog of my own in 2009. I’m a film critic, amongst other things, and am slowly putting all my writing online so I’ll certainly pop back once that is done to shamelessly self promote myself then. Perhaps I will even do that piece on environmental cinema that I promised Tracey months ago and never found the time to do…
Take care everybody. It’s been a pleasure and an honour working with Tracey on this blog and I’m looking forward to seeing it continue to go from strength to strength.
Dear lovely Thomas,
That’s left me with tears running down my cheeks…I cannot believe you’re going - this website is 1/2 you and 1/2 me and there will be a bloomin’ big hole without you.
I loved the comfort of delivering my words to you, knowing you’d knock all the rough edges off and make it look amazing….God help the readers now, they’ll be getting it techno-warts and all!!!
I’ll make my thanks to you ‘very public’ - you’ve been nothing short of amazing. Your delightful OCD creative (LOLOL) energy is JUST what this website needed…..you’re leaving it all set up and out of nappies, but she’ll forever be looking for her absent dad…
Thanks for all the times you tanged me on the butt for being dozy and forgetful and thanks for all your brilliant ideas on here too….like you say, behind the scenes and all that….who sees it? I DID!!!
I hope you’ll nip back and make your presence known - you don’t need visiting rights you know, you have full access to come take this baby round the park and back.
So I bid you farewell too my techno-genius Thomas Caldwell……
Like they say in the Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy…’Goodbye and thanks for all the fish….’….
Affectionately, respectfully,
Trace x x x x x x x x x x x x
I’m going to miss being here too Tracey and I’m really proud of what we’ve achieved together. I do intend to hang around in my new identity and make a nuisance of myself in the comments so don’t worry about that.
I reckon the readers will be fine with you taking the helm 100% as it is the words that maketh the blog - not the fanatical formatting LOL. Anyway, I’m kept my password on file so if I see something that is really going to prevent me from sleeping at night then I can still covertly duck in and fiddle away.
That wasn’t meant to sound as dirty as it did.
Stay brilliant and I’m raising a glass right now to this blog for 2009 and way, way beyond.
Hi Thomas,
I enjoyed reading your post and wish you all the best in your future endeavors. I would like to add one item to your watersaving tips:
If you are serious about saving water, want a toilet that really works and is affordable, I would highly recommend a Caroma Dual Flush toilet. Caroma toilets offer a patented dual flush technology consisting of a 0.8 Gal flush for liquid waste and a 1.6 Gal flush for solids. Caroma, an Australian company set the standard by giving the world its first successful two button dual flush system in the nineteen eighties and has since perfected the technology. Also, with a full 3.5″ trapway, these toilets virtually never clog. All of Caroma’s toilets are on the list of WaterSense labeled HET’s http://www.epa.gov/watersense/pp/find_het.htm and also qualify for several toilet rebate programs available in the US. Please visit my blog http://pottygirl.wordpress.com/ to learn more or go to http://www.caromausa.com to learn where you can find Caroma toilets locally in the US. Visit http://www.ecotransitions.com/howto.asp to see how we flush potatoes with 0.8 gallons of water, meant for liquids only. Best regards, Andrea Paulinelli
Sorry to see you go Thomas. It’s been a pleasure meeting you and I can’t wait to see what you get up to. By the way for anyone in the UK who’s interested in harvesting rainwater, check out http://www.stormsaver.com
Hi Andrea,
Just a shortie to thank you for dropping a line on your line of work!
I think I’d like to investigate further in the New Year.
All the best for now,
TS x