A quick note from Thomas:
Hi everybody and welcome to the first Book of Rubbish Ideas Q&A day. Anybody out there who wants to leave Tracey a rubbish and sustainable living related questions may do so by leaving a comment under this post and Tracey will then get busy finding an answer for you. So [...]
Posts Tagged ‘Recycle Now’
Rubbish Q&A Day
Posted in Electric rubbish, Food rubbish, General rubbish, Household rubbish, Paper rubbish, Plastic rubbish, Rubbish Q&A, Rubbish how-to's, Rubbish ideas, Rubbish products, The Book of Rubbish Ideas info, tagged ACLM, aluminium cans, Aluminium Packaging Recycling Organisation, Alupro, Association for Contact Lens Manufacturers, Association for Organics Recycling, beat the credit crunch, Bokashi composting, carborexics, cardboard, cellophane wrappers, Click4Carbon, Community, community projects, composting, contact lens, cornstarch bottles, DEFRA, Dig For Victory, Dollond & Aitchison, eco-education, Eco-Schools, European Tissue Symposium, Freecycle, Get Started with Compost, glass jars, incineration, Jamie Oliver, Janey Lee Grace, Junkk, Junkk.com, knitting, Knitting Help, Letters for Change, making your own clothes, oestrogen soup, organic cotton, Organic-ally, Original Organics, Patient’s Returned Medicine Scheme, pet litter, Plastic, Polymer Recycling, Recycle, Recycle Now, Recycling, Recycling Expert, recycling video tape, SCRIB, Specsavers, Steel Can Recycling Information Bureau, steel cans, sustainable family, The Book of Rubbish Ideas, The Composting Association, The Rubbish Diet, The Times, Tracey Smith, University recycling schemes, unwanted medicine, vacuum bags, VeggiePets.com, Vision Aid Overseas, W. F. Denny, Waste and Resources Action Programme, Wellway Pharmacy, WRAP, YouTube on 10 November 2008 | 15 Comments »
Fancy trying The Rubbish Diet?
Posted in Food rubbish, General rubbish, Household rubbish, Plastic rubbish, Rubbish ideas, tagged Bokashi composting, composting, eBay, Freecycle, Get Started with Compost, Karen Cannard, LETS, Love Food Hate Waste, My Zero Waste, plastic bagsags, Recycle Now, Recycling, tetrapaks, The Rubbish Diet, veg box, Zero Waist, Zero Waste Week on 16 October 2008 | 2 Comments »
We’re lucky enough to have another guest poster today so thank you to Karen Cannard (who you may know better as Almost Mrs Average) from the The Rubbish Diet blog for today’s piece.
“I am so frazzled at the edges” pleaded the voice at the end of the phone.
“I’ve hardly had any sleep. Spent yesterday in London. Got home to [...]
A Bit About the Author
Posted in The Book of Rubbish Ideas info, tagged Apple AM, Charity Shop, Downshifting, Hospital Radio, NACOA, Recycle Now, The Book of Rubbish Ideas, Tracey Smith on 29 July 2008 | 4 Comments »
Tracey Smith is just an everyday gal, a wife, a mum and a very proud downshifter. “I’ve a passion for writing and I love spreading the word about simple, green and sustainable living…to a fault sometimes.”