
Posts Tagged ‘The Book of Rubbish Ideas’

Hi all!
Just a shortie, boy have I got a packed weekend ahead of me. 
On Saturday, I’ll be broadcasting an hour of my ‘Slow Down and Green Up’ radio show (usual slot every Wednesday between 10 and 1pm) in celebration of the fact that our radio station has been broadcasting for 40 years to the hospital [...]

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Supermarket giant Tesco will no longer be giving Green Clubcard points for customers who have returned empty items to deposit in their recycling machines.
The machines are designed to take a variety of recyclable materials including plastic, tin and glass and are located in around 40 branches of the store throughout England and there’s one [...]

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Well, not literally you understand.
I’ve been asked to attend the Dorchester Festival to give a reading from my Book of Rubbish Ideas and do a demonstration on how to make my Fabulous Rubbish Flatbreads.
I must confess, it’s the first lit fest I’ve been confirmed to attend this year and I’m beside myself with excitement.  It’s [...]

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It’s almost time to go dashing through the snow in my one horse open sleigh (ok, I lied, there’s no sleigh, but it would certainly come in handy this week) to broadcast Slow Down and Green Up on the radio.
Between 10am and 1pm GMT on Wednesday, I’ll be talking about all the things that have [...]

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Seasons Greetings to all,
It’s Christmas Eve and following a short trip to London, I’m now home in the bosom of my lovely family and preparing for a few days of non-work related fun!
For the past five months, with the kind assistance of dear Thomas, I’ve delivered a rubbish post-a-day to tantalise you, to tempt, to [...]

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Morning all,
Just a shortie to let you know, there will be NO rubbish posting today – how rubbish is that!
It’s school play, carol service, mince pie making mayhem at the Smith Towers and I have to keep some sort of handle on my work/life balance you know…
Anyway, this is a perfect opportunity to poke you [...]

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The resources section at the back of The Book of Rubbish Ideas is packed out with some of the most inspirational, eco-friendly innovators and The Woodland Trust is no exception.  
They do incredible work protecting and planting new areas of woodland and ensuring we have lots of lovely clean air to breathe!
Recently, I caught up [...]

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Dearest all, I’m in London and currently looking out of a window onto the world and the clock is ticking along, getting ever closer to 1am – eek!
I had a call late yesterday from Radio 4 (as you do) asking if I could just whip up to Town and go do Woman’s Hour?  Well, as [...]

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Or maybe this title should read, ‘Where there’s rubbish, there’s dosh’ – potential dosh anyway.
Respected financial journalist Rob Griffin (yes, there are some) and I have been talking money for a few years.  He pens pieces on finance and occasionally I slide in the odd quote from a downshifted perspective.
On Wednesday, the Daily Express published, [...]

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The title says it all really! It’s a video of me reading from the ‘What a pile of rubbish’ section in The Book of Rubbish Ideas:

Rubbishly yours,

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